Advanced Local Citation

Boost your business in local presence & search-ability with fast and accurate Business Citations built 100 % manually by experienced SEOs. The process includes analyzing campaign data to establish gaps with your competition based on your location, and niche and building your online Real Estate that's conducive to increasing your business footprints, discoverability & traffic to your site for Local searches. 

Some of the Highlights of our Service 

  • Country-Specific and Multi Locations Citations 
  • Citation Audit Available (Check Packages) 
  • Quick 5-10 day turnaround 
  • Accurate placements Guarantee 
  • White Label Reporting Available (sample)

Choose Between:

Citations Premium - 120 Citations: Perfect for creating a local SEO profile that combines business listings, photos, videos, and social media links. Includes; 90 business directory citations, 10 photo citations, 05 video citations, 15 social citations.

Citations Gold - 80 Citations:Perfect for creating a local SEO profile that combines business listings, photos, videos, and social media links. Includes; 60 business directory citations, 10 photo citations, 04 video citations, 10 social citations.

Citations Silver - 40 Citations: Perfect for creating a local SEO profile that combines business listings, photos, videos, and social media links. Includes; 30 business directory citations, 05 photo citations, 02 video citations, 05 social citations.

Citations Basic - 25 Citations:Perfect for creating a local SEO profile that combines business listings and social media links. Includes; 20 business directory citations, 05 social citations.

Our citation strategy goes beyond the typical citations you might think of (like occurrences of your business name, address, and phone number on local directories).

Additionally, we create unstructured, rich-media citations. Your local search ranking will improve greatly with a greater variety of citations across trusted websites.

An initial citation audit determines which citations are working and which need to be improved.

We then perform a competitive analysis to identify which citations your competitors have that you don't.

Lastly, we build citations that are relevant, high authority, and most likely to remain live.

I agree! If you need citations for multiple locations, just change the quantity of your order, and we will ask for the location's business information after payment is received.

We guarantee successful placement and accuracy.

Any citation that is rejected will be replaced with an equal or better opportunity at no extra charge. No citations will be charged if you don't receive them.

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You will be asked to fill the Web form with project relevant details inside your client panel after checkout.


RankJacker SEO has been delivering top-notch results together with excellent customer service. They’ve always met the deadlines and utilizes various tools like Trello for seamless collaboration. Moreover, the team has fostered a positive relationship by consistently providing high-quality outcomes.

Chris Walker.
CEO, Legiit.